Saturday, January 3, 2009

E-mail Rep. Sharon Har

Send e-mail to

Feel free to use the below text as a template for your e-mail.

Dear Representative Sharon Har,

My name is _______________. I called you previously about the ceded lands issue and wanted to follow up with an e-mail.

As the Vice-Chair of the Water, Land & Ocean Resources Committee, I want you to arrange for moratorium bills in your committee to be heard. Although it may be too late for bills that were first introduced in the House, there are Senate Bills that are crossing over to the House. I am concerned that if these bills receive triple referrals, these bills won't get passed. Moratorium bills are important pieces of legislation and they should be heard immediately. These bills should be heard, discussed and voted on in committee.

Please feel free to e-mail me if you have questions.

Thank you,