Thursday, September 24, 2009

The "Ceded" Lands Dispute: What does blood quantum have to do with it?

Itʻs been a while since there has been any public movement on the "ceded" lands issue. Many of you have been very supportive of Kupuʻainaʻs efforts earlier this year and last year. We wanted to share with you an update regarding a recently scheduled event that we think you might be interested in.

Most of the plaintiffs (Office of Hawaiian Affairs and four individuals) in the case that sought to stop the sale of so-called "ceded" lands have settled their claims with the State of Hawaiʻi. There is one sole plaintiff who is determined to have this case go all the way through, Dr. Jonathan Osorio.

On Thursday, October 1, 2009, Dr. Osorio will be joined by attorneys Naiwi Wurdeman and Yuklin Aluli in a panel discussion hosted by Ka Huli Ao Center for Excellence in Native Hawaiian Law at 12:45 at the William S. Richardson School of Law. This discussion panel will also be live-streamed at

Because seating is limited, Ka Huli Ao requires RSVPs by 9/27/2009 to

For more information on Ka Huli Ao Center for Excellence in Native Hawaiian Law, you can visit its blog at or its law school website at